
Formation is an essential part of our life. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we seek to be always learning from Him: growing closer to Him everyday, and seeking to imitate His life. 

We are committed to a life of continual openness to the grace of God, so He can bring our baptism to its fullest realisation, renewing and transforming us everyday in Christ. 

We have regular times for formation as a Community: spiritual and theological formation, human formation, and training in skills for mission. For new members, and those discerning membership, a programme is offered to introduce them to the major aspects of our life. All members come together regularly for days of formation, and the whole Community has a retreat together once a year. Spiritual accompaniment and faith-sharing is an important part of our life to help us grow in faithfulness of Christ's call. Ongoing reading and study is encouraged as an integral part of our spiritual life, as are desert days and an annual retreat.

The Community’s formation is supported by Worth Abbey, with whom Wellspring shares a special friendship.